In her novel, Save Me, Lisa Scottoline introduces us to a loving suburban family. Rose is a devoted wife and mother to her two children, an infant son, John and her 8-yearold daughter, Melinda. Her husband, Leo, is a lawyer and “all substance” as a practical and loving presence for his family. Nicknamed Melly, Melinda is a bright, inquisitive young girl that loves Harry Potter. Unfortunately, she was born with a large red birthmark on her cheek, which Rose saw as “Melly’s own personal bull’s-eye”.
Like many parents, Rose McKenna’s love for her daughter knows no bounds. When she learns that her young daughter is getting bullied at her new school, Rose wants to see for herself what is going on in her daughter’s world. She volunteers to be Lunch Mom for a day. When she witnesses the bullies in action, her “Mother Lion” protectiveness come out as she keeps them back from recess to talk to them about their actions.
Suddenly, there is an explosion. Fire, smoke, and debris quickly fill the cafeteria. As she comes to, Rose needs to quickly decide whether she can turn her back on the children right in front of her to go to rescue her own daughter.
Following her decision, Rose is faced with criticism from other parents, teachers and the media. She also struggles with her own guilt as memories of a tragic accident from her past begin to surface.
As the story progresses, Rose seeks to determine the cause of this mysterious explosion. She works to make the connections between the various individuals and incidents that lead to the explosion that has wreaked havoc on her life.
Scottoline keeps you guessing and provides some interesting twists and turns throughout the book.
I found this novel to be very enjoyable.
Scottoline creates a story that you do not want to end. Her main character is a very strong woman and she is not at all lacking in depth.
You clearly feel Rose’s love, frustration, anger, pain and curiosity throughout the book. A story about the strength of a mother’s love turns into an intriguing mystery as she begins to investigate how and why the explosion happened.
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good mystery along with a great realistic connection to Rose’s life. Save Me is a story of a woman’s relationship with her husband, her children, her peers, her past and her drive to discover to the truth.
You can find this and other titles by Scottoline at the Yankton Community Library, including her newest title, Come Home. In addition, you can check out Lisa Scottoline’s website at for more information about the author and her books, including great book club questions.