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HEALTH Attitude.... The power is your mind Everyone has a first time of stepping through the doors. Take that first step through the doors, make a commitment, make small steps and consistently exercise and the results will happen. The main thing is to be consistent and make exercise a part of your day. Just like brushing your teeth. The hardest part is walking through the door. So matter how tired you are or how much you have to do at home you need to make a commitment to your self and just do it. Write it down on your to do list everyday. Once you get in the habit you won’t want to miss your workout. Your body/mind will crave it. A one-hour workout is 4% of your day. You can do it! Overcoming your fitness fears of going to a fitness center. Schedule a session with a Personal Trainer or Employee. Have the expert teach you how to use all of the equipment and map out a routine that is best for you. Map out what you will be doing before you get there, so you won’t have to wander around and waste time on what you should be doing and what you need to do next. 6vHERVOICE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2015 Avoid peak hours and bring your own music. Many would agree that an empty gym is much less stress inducing than a crowed one. Ask your fitness facility when the busiest times are and try to avoid that time. When you bring your own music it helps you to zone in on your music and if it is motivational and faster paced it will give you that extra push to keep going. You may want to conduct some research online so you know exactly what you should be doing at the facility and how to do it without causing injury. Bringing a friend to the fitness center will put you at ease even if it is the first few workout sessions. Plus exercising with a workout buddy is a good way to stay motivated. Even if you choose to do different workouts, just meeting a friend helps you to stay committed. Being confident is everything, and before long you will trick yourself into actually feeling self assured even before you realize it. The important thing to remember about the fitness center is the people are not paying attention to you. They are paying attention to their own workouts and are simply trying to get through their own routines so they can go home. Remember everyone has been a newbie and had to walk through those doors. So like I said before... what you need to do is make that commitment to yourself and walk through those doors and realize that everyone there is in their own world, and you will see that there was nothing to be afraid about in the first place. The benefits of working out at a fitness center. Working out at a fitness center provides you a greater variety of equipment. So you will not get bored working on the same piece of equipment/workout day in and day out and it is more beneficial for the body because you can do cross training, so you are not working the same muscles everyday. Working out at a fitness center provides you less distractions. No children interruptions or laundry. It gives you alone time for you. When you work out at the fitness center the atmosphere is all fitness related so it is a motivating environment. While you see others around you exercising you are more likely to give it your all and work harder. It can be a social connection even if you don’t know anyone around. There are people there. You can talk with them, or not, but you are not alone. You may even make friends with them. At a fitness center you have guidance from employees or personal trainers, ask if you have questions and they will be glad to help. Or at some facilities they have personal trainers who you can hire if you desire.

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