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Yankton’s Avera Sacred Heart Hospital. “I had a wig by then,” Marlene recalls. “But of course we didn’t take time to put it on. I was uncomfortable with how I looked, all the doctors and nurses seeing the sad state of my hair. I was air flighted to Sioux Falls, so everyone in the helicopter saw me, doctors and nurses in Sioux Falls saw me. It was devastating at the time, but I can laugh about it now.” Marlene and Chopper say their daughter Sara and son Kyler were “an incredible support” during Marlene’s ordeal. Visits with Sara and Sara Johnson’s efforts to ease her her daughters Isabella and mother’s struggle with losing her hair included donning a comical Brooklyn “were the best to wig to infuse some humor in the boost my spirits.” None of wig selection process. the Johnson family members will forget Sara’s assistance in selecting the proper wig. “We were to meet her in the parking lot at the wig store,” Marlene says. “When we drove up, here she was, wearing a big fuzzy wig. It made us laugh so hard, and that felt so good. Maintaining a sense of humor throughout the entire experience was important and helpful. One of Marlene’s challenges came in the form of accepting help with household chores she normally did with ease. When she disagreed with Chopper’s suggestion to hire housekeeping help, her Nurse Navigator helped her work through the difficult choice. “She told me I was going to have a limited amount of energy for a while. It was up to me how I wanted to use it,” Marlene explains. “But she made it clear that if I insisted on doing my own housework, I had to face the fact that there would be other things I couldn’t do.” Once Marlene’s treatment plan was underway and she and Chopper had resolved some of their initial fears, they realized there was something important they could do during the time they were in the clinic and hospital, “One thing I started to notice in waiting rooms was the look of fear on the faces of people who were just starting their own cancer treatment,” Chopper says. “I knew what was going through their mind. The first time you walk down that hospital hallway and you don’t really know what’s ahead of you, it’s very intimidating.” Both Chopper and Marlene found opportunities to offer encouragement and support to people they encountered throughout Marlene’s treatment. “During one of my treatments during Christmas time, a woman came in to the clinic and asked if she might give bracelets to everyone who was there that day,” Marlene says. “She had made them in memory of her brother-in-law who had cancer and had passed away. We’ve found that people who either had cancer themselves or had a loved one with cancer closely identify with the many challenges the illness brings.” The Johnsons can easily name dozens of local people who came to their door with food, cards, encouragement and offers to help in any way they could. “People where we stay at a summer resort had a big, beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting for us when we went there last summer,” Chopper says. “They didn’t have to do that, but that’s the sort of kindness we experience over and over.” Because they had a personal connection with an oncologist at Sanford Health in Sioux Falls, Marlene completed her treatment and surgery there. Wherever they sought medical treatment, they found not only support for physical needs but many resources for emotional, psychological and spiritual care. “The medical staff who cared for me were awesome,” Marlene says. “And we can’t say enough about the community spirit and the dedication of people here. This has changed our outlook on life,” Marlene adds. “I’m more conscious of my diet and I’m looking forward to reaching the five-year mark of being cancer free. Throughout it all, I decided not to dwell on the difficult parts of the experience but to see the glass half full and appreciate all the wonderful things in my life.” vBy Loretta Sorensen Keeping Smiles Healthy & Young New Patients and Emergencies Welcome! 1101 Broadway Ste. 105, Morgen Square 605.665.2448 www.scott-family-dentistry.com Experience Gentle, Personalized Dental Care For Your Entire Family! HERVOICEvMARCH/APRIL 2016v15

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