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Marci said. “I work with my supplier when I have a custom bead idea and make custom pendants, as well. They are so open to trying new ideas, which allows me to be even more creative.” Another advantage for Marci and Austin is that they are getting to work together and their children -- Christian (4) and Emily (2) -are close at hand. “Austin had a very good job where he was on the road a lot when we lived in Omaha,” she said. “He was able to transfer down here, but with the way the business has taken off, it is really taking both of us to run it. So, he is working about one day a week selling insurance, and the rest of the time we are working this business.” Marci said she still has the online portion of her business, which primarily focuses on supplying beads, but even that is evolving with the store front. “I am starting to offer more custom pieces online, as well,” she said. “I honestly never thought I would come back to Nebraska, let alone Bloomfield, once I graduated high school and moved to Colorado where I met Austin. When we moved to Omaha, it was to be closer to family because of our children. Then the business took off and the right place to be was here in Bloomfield. This has been a great move for us.” “We are just so excited and happy to be here,” Marci said. “I love what I am doing and I can’t wait for all the new plans we have to come to fruition.” Currently, My Pretty Posh Princess is open on Fridays from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturdays 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. The website for the business is www. myprettyposhprincess.com. Marci can be contacted at www.facebook.com/ myprettyposhprincess. Appointments can be set up by calling 402-373-4438. vBy Shauna Marlette Congratulations... to one of our own... Sally Whiting, graphic artist for Yankton Media Inc. had the opportunity to design the cover art for a book (premiering in March) written by Phillip Klikas, head of Child Initiative International, a non-profit organization that she volunteers with. vBEARS continued from page 10 Hansen explains that she hears back from some of her customers after they pick up their bears. “I’ve gotten some really neat letters from people afterwards.” I shared with Hansen how my life was among the many that she has touched with her memory bears. Several months ago, I had asked her if she could make memory bears for my family in honor of my dad. This past Christmas, many smiles and joyful tears were shared as the bears were passed out among my family, 12 years after my dad’s passing. I can’t even put into words the feeling of what it’s like to have a bear to help keep that memory alive. A whopping 647 bears later, Hansen continues to sew her memory bears. Nineteen years after she began making them, that would come out to about 34 bears per year. A few years ago she thought that after she retired she would get the chance to sew more since she likes it so well. She was “sew” right about that one. She helps make one of life’s biggest challenges a little more “bear”able. vBy Julie Eickhoff HERVOICE MARCH/APRIL 2015v23

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