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with her most recent purchase, a mini spoon that just happened to come along locally through an antique store. Lois says both her and Dallas really enjoyed Elvis’ music, that he was such a good singer and had moves on stage you just didn’t see in those days. While a lot of music spans generations and people today still love his music it isn’t always appreciated by the younger crowd. Lois’ grandson used to love going into her Elvis room and making all the little toys and boxes sing their songs, while her granddaughter thought a Justin Bieber poster would make a nice addition. Impressive as her collection is Lois has no idea how much, if any, her collection is worth. For her it is more the sentimental value of the pieces, the fact that they were given to her by friends and family, which really make them special and priceless. vBy Kristina Tunink HERVOICE MARCH/APRIL 2015v9

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