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“I thought it was a fluke” If you’ve ever had nightmares about losing your hair, you’re likely to benefit greatly from hearing Chris Mager Wevik’s story. The wife of Beresford farmer Doug Wevik, Chris knows first hand what it’s like to deal with hair loss after being diagnosed with alopecia in her 20’s. Alopecia is a mysterious type of hair loss that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, which is where hair growth begins. Doctors believe alopecia is an autoimmune disease, which means the body mistakenly fights off hair as if it were an allergy or some kind of threat to the body. Alopecia isn’t contagious and/or hereditary. Hair follicles aren’t damaged by alopecia so there’s potential for hair to grow back. There’s currently no known cure for alopecia. Over the past 30 years, Wevik learned so much about alopecia and coping with hair loss she wrote a humorous self-help book on the topic, “It’s Only Hair.” And while she recognizes the trauma severe hair loss causes for both women and men, she has learned that her hair is just one small facet of herself. “When I first started working on my book about 30 years ago, at the suggestion of my therapist, my attitude was much angrier,” Wevik says. “Through the course of this disorder, I’ve learned that no one can make you feel inferior without your permission. Eleanor Roosevelt said that and it’s so true. I’ve also learned that humor and a bit tougher skin can get us through a lot.” Throughout her childhood, Wevik kept the long hair she “loved” and took good care of what she and others considered an attractive asset throughout high school. When Wevik started losing some hair at age 21, it wasn’t a large concern. Busy with her marriage and life in general, she didn’t pay much attention to the changes that were just beginning. “It was two years before my first daughter was born,” Wevik says. “I started noticing dime sized spots on the back of my head that were just smooth skin. I couldn’t figure out what would have caused it but it didn’t bother me at the time. No one else could see it because it was Keeping Smiles Healthy & Young New Patients and Emergencies Welcome! 1101 Broadway Ste. 105, Morgen Square 605.665.2448 • www.scott-family-dentistry.com Experience Gentle, Personalized Dental Care For Your Entire Family! 14vHERVOICEvSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2016

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