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RV Living... Do you ever dream of just quitting your job and hitting the road; going wherever the weather is warm and adventure waits? After years of working in sales in Omaha, Kelly Henry decided that she was ready to enjoy what life and America has to offer. Working in sales, Kelly traveled a lot for work already, but she never was able to enjoy the sights. Never got to stop and smell the roses, if you will. So last summer, Kelly made the decision to sell her rental home, put her home on the market, and buy an RV. In October 2015, her and her travel partner, Cam, set off to enjoy “the way retirement should be.” In less than a year they have already been to 15 states; Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, New Mexico, Nevada, California, and Arizona. Kelly calls it “chasing warm weather.” Out of all the 15 states with the numerous parks they have visited, Kelly believes that Lewis and Clark is by far the prettiest park. It provides a great view for their visitors, there are plenty of things to do, and the maintenance and yard people are among the best they have encountered. The Lewis and Clark Park also provides an outlet for Kelly to work as a naturalist and Cam to work as a park ranger. Kelly writes the park’s newsletter and helps put on the events around the park as well. These events include outdoor movies and numerous water activities, as well as much more. Outside of this, the pair also runs a website that provides maps to numerous locations, and they sell ad space for it as they travel. Cam has also started working on creating mobile cabins. The project is in the early stages, but he and a partner have almost completed a test model. Even though they are living the easy life, they find time for the things they love that also just happen to bring them a profit. Since Kelly enjoys being on the water and biking, she especially loves the proximity their campsite is to both the water and the bike trail. The “home-away-from-home turned home” is a 2012 Redwood RV. It has had 3 previous owners but it wasn’t used often. Walking into the RV was a bit of a shock; it looked more like an apartment than it did an RV. The first room is the kitchen, dining room, and living room. There’s more space than you’d think from the looks of outside. Everything is in a rich dark wood that is welcoming but also offsets the countertop and backsplash. Because 16vHERVOICEvSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2016

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